Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Baby cheetah Cubby

On 17th November 2011, a baby cheetah was picked up from a farm located 100 kms away from Naankuse (Farm Lorraine). The farmer that gave him to us received him from another farm where his mother caused conflict with its cattle.

At first we all thought it was a female cheetah cub, and called it Lorraine, as the name of the farm it was picked up from. It soon became clear though that it was a male cheetah for obvious reasons... and since everyone was already calling him "Cubby", this became his official name. 

Between all of us we built a small camp just outside the staff accommodation area on the green lawn, as he needs to be monitored at all times, and he sleeps in Elzette's and Deborah's bedroom as it still gets quite cold at night. He usually behaves very well and sleeps in his cage now, although a few times he has been a bit naughty and urinated on the beds or nibbled on a hand or foot... 

He spends the day in his camp, where he loves to play with his teddy, and we frequently visit him and play with him so he does not get bored. Lately we have started to take him up to a larger camp once a day so he has more space to run around. He loves climbing on trees and running around as any cub would do.

Cubby will grow up on Naankuse and will stay with us. He will not be able to be released as he is habituated to humans and therefore lost his fear for them.

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