Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Animal Welfare

Our gorgeous caracal Godiva has been in the wars with feisty Yoda and suffered a broken front leg as a result. After an operation where they inserted pins to keep the bones in place together, Godiva wore a bandage and has been kept seperate from the others while she heals. Now Yoda had demonstrated his wild instincts, we're looking into whether he can be released back into the wild.

Chiquita our cheetah who originally came in with Samira and Vasco, had been fed on a diet of dog food and mieliepap before coming to N'a'an ku sê, which left her in a very weak state. She arrived at the farm thin and had only 4 teeth remaining.  Recently, our Wildlife Co-ordinators had noticed she was off her food and looking very ill. Rudie darted her and brought her in for an examination to find out what the problem was. After assessment it turns out one of her few canines left was growing the wrong way, inside her gum, leaving her in pain and distress. We sent her to the Veterinary Hospital in Windhoek where she was operated on, leaving her relieved and much more comfortable. afterwards. 

One of our Wild Dog pups Utopia has been suffering from an old scar on her leg which opened up recently. She obtained the injury when we introduced the pups to Kaleb and Liska and Kaleb didn't react too well to the pups! It hasn't healed as well as it should and so Rudie brought her in, stitched it back up and she was immediately able to rejoin her pack. 

Unfortunately not all stories have a happy ending. After caring for our 14 Wild Dog pups almost since their birth, we are devastated that recently one of the pups, Nesha, sadly died. Our Wildlife Co-ordinators noticed one day that she was looking weak and slow in her movements so we immediately took her to Windhoek Animal Hospital where she died the next day. It's a tragedy and at the moment we're not 100% certain what caused Nesha's death, however we do know it was not an infection and the other pups are all fine and healthy. We will continue investigating.  

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