Thursday, October 27, 2011

Farewell Old Friend

Tessa the Dog, November 2001 – September 2011

It was with great sadness that we had to say goodbye to one of the first animals to arrive at N/a’an ku se.

Tessa, the boerbull was originally given to Marlice by her Mother as a gift in December  2001.  This little puppy’s role was to protect Marlice when she first arrived to Windhoek.  While at the Guesthouse, Tessa had a larger than life presence and needless to say, there were no thefts during her time there.  While she looked like an adorable teddy bear, she was always very protective of her owners and her territory, and always showed great loyalty.

On the farm Tessa had many homes, starting off at a staff house where she lived with Cila, Carol, Arno, Dana, Nemo and Babe the pig, and then for the past few years moving to Staff House No 2 where she shared with Dara, Jo, Pisces, Smell bells, and Sabu.   She was also joint-foster Mum with Pisces, to Mini, Toto, Mavis, Edie, Bella, Nelly, Ben, Eddie and Fritzie the piglet.  The staff house never had to be locked as no one would venture to the house without calling first.  Those who did, only did so once.  The new couch in the house quickly became Tessa’s bed with a teenie space for others to sit so long as they didn’t mind being drooled on or getting stared at.

She was 10 years old and slowly her organs began to fail.  Generous donors such as Nancy Lipsett and Crona Barrett helped to cover her medical costs but eventually the difficult decision to put her out of pain was made.  She died peacefully at no 2 with Jo and Dara by her side.  Rudie’s parting words were “she was always so naughty even as a puppy” but even he shed a tear.  Tessa is buried next to the house and has many visitors each evening including warthogs, jackals and porcupines and of course the lions roaring 20 feet away.

We love and miss you Tessa.

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